「pass light through」で70万件ヒットしますが、「transmit light through」でも28万1千件ヒットします。
・if an object or substance transmits sound or light, it allows sound or light to travel through or along it (Longman)
・to cause (as light or force) to pass or be conveyed through space or a medium (Merriam-Webster)
「glass transmits light」で23万4千件、「filter transmits light」で14万1千件ヒットします。
「光が~を透過する」の場合には、「pass through」の他に「penetrate (through or into)」
「light passes through」は405万件で圧倒的に多いですが、「light penetrates」も19万6千件ヒットします。
「transmission of light through」で55万7千件、「passage of light through」で32万7千件、「penetration of light into」で12万7千件ヒットします。
・A basic laboratory microscope passes light through a specimen mounted on a glass slide (http://www.ehow.com/facts_6050483_must-under-microscope-very-thin_.html)
・LIDAR transmits light through the air and analyzes the weak reflected signal to measure the distance (http://www.nist.gov/pml/div686/lidar_060209.cfm)
・The glass transmits light most at wavelengths between 450 and 500 nanometers (http://www.etsy.com/shop/frankthompson#)
・A neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum (http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/tech1506.html)
・Light passes through the scattering layer and excites the fluorophore (US Pat. Appl. No. 20020133080)
・Ultraviolet light penetrates microorganisms and breaks down molecular bonds (http://www.alpinehomeair.com/viewproduct.cfm?productID=227)
・We experimentally demonstrate increased diffuse transmission of light through strongly scattering materials (http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v101/i12/e120601)
・the passage of light through hydrogen, either atomic or molecular, is always (slightly) inelastic (http://www.newtonphysics.on.ca/hydrogen/)
・Geometrical optics prohibits any penetration of light into an optically rarer medium in the case of total reflection